Friday, August 29, 2008


geese!, originally uploaded by edfooliu.

I'll have to cop to being lazy (and not wanting to get my gear wet). when I
came back from lunch, I had a _much_ better opportunity to get a nice
closeup, and I even entertained the idea of a drive-by-shooting. had I not
been lazy to whip out the cam, said driveby wouldve resulted in a fantastic
moment captured. The nearest goose was just staring off into space as I
rolled by, and as I pulled up right beside him--literally about 6-8 inches
off his beak, he had the most hilarious snap-to-surprise. Alas..

1 comment:

stephen said...

i like the idea. would've liked to see you get closer.

re: per-pixel sensitivity--that would make high contrast situations like your sky/building shot much easier. just raise the iso on the lower half of the sensor, and lower it on the upper half. so easy.