Saturday, September 6, 2008



Here we have two standbys of rebelyang and bokehed: tons of bokeh and underexposure (respectively). Hannah passed through the region this morning, and while I waited for my food to heat up, I saw some interesting opportunities. This shot was inspired by steph's latest post. After attempting a few times to shoot through a rain-speckled portion of glass, it occurred to me to make the glass the subject and crank the aperture. I like the effect. There's also this subtle vignetting...I think just from coincidence from darker colors or shaded areas, but I think it adds an extra bit of focus to the center of the frame.

Bonus pic since I may be late/missing tomorrow...


Yes, it's underexposed. Yes, the white balance is off. When I imagine a well-exposed version of this in the correct white balance, though...I'm not sure it'd be _better_. It's's _supposed_ to be dreary.

1 comment:

stephen said...

yeah i like the look of rain on glass.

you should change the name of your blog to underexpos|ed. HA