Saturday, September 6, 2008

morning person convert

morning person convert, originally uploaded by edfooliu.

Since steph's got all the night shots covered, I suppose I'll take mornings.

Nothing (intentionally) special about this--just a view of my new morning
hangout. I've never (as in ever) been a 'morning person', but I've been
trying out an early start for almost two weeks. I've always loved the
feeling of being out in a fresh world yet untainted by busy-ness, and this
may very well permanently usurp the eternal 'ten more minutes' struggle
(well. not so much a struggle as a formality). Quick workout at the gym,
hot shower, then a quick hop over for coffee and breakfast while working
through my huge backlog of readings and writings. Invigorating. And, for
once, it feels like I've stolen time in a good way (as opposed to stealing
it from the other end of the day, which always leaves lingering guilt and
physical debt).

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