Tuesday, December 30, 2008


reflections, originally uploaded by edfooliu.

Make for interesting filters. I've lately been experimenting with
shooting things reflected in glass/etc, mostly in order to superimpose
subjects into different scenes. This one came through as more of a
filter effect (if you overlook the mirroring of the easy button).

Saturday, December 27, 2008

never delete


I should make a policy of just copying over every shot onto my hard drive (plus external) since storage is abysmally cheap. Alas, I killed accidentally killed the best shot I had of this little puppy. Also, I should make a policy of charging the battery before any trip... this was the ONLY shot I got from my excursion to Delaware for karting.

This was an interesting problem... I wanted to bokeh the background out as much as possible, but at wider apertures, I couldn't get enough DOF to get the whole puppy in focus. The puppy's orientation--to my eyes, at least--makes the shot, so I had to give up some background bokehing. That said, the surviving shot here was done in shutter priority, so the computer figured out a pretty good balance on its own...

Thursday, December 25, 2008

been awhile, sunrise


After 5 weeks of late mornings...

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

back to the grind


Settling into a routine with the new job, so...let's make another attempt at _this_ routine. My shots-per-day haven't really done much climbing out of the nov-dec hole, but at least I have a small backlog I can go through here.

And of course I have to see how fast a shutter I can get...

I will also have you know it's really, really difficult to hold a coffee strainer in one hand whilst pinning a camera to my face with the other, using a free finger to adjust focus.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

finally, daylight suffices indoors

At ISO 200.

50mm f/1.8D AF (but not on my D40...MF FTW again...)

okay so i probably _should_ go up to ISO 400 so I don't shoot wide open and get a slightly faster shutter...