That aside, had a chance to flex the D40 during my stand-around-doing-nothing heat. I missed the first set of runs (and half of the second) since the relief workers for my station were a bit late, but I still managed to nearly fill up my memory card. The camera really put on a show with the shot-to-shot times... instead of having to precisely choose the one (two if it's a long/slow/long+slow corner) moment to release the shutter, I could fire off a volley that'd cover the entire sequence from corner entry to exit.
I'll also have to give props to the continuous autofocus... only maybe 20% of my throwaways was b/c the AF-C didn't keep up during a fast set of panning shots. I just left it on AF-C the whole day without doing the old focus-on-spot-then-recompose drill.
Anyway, onto the shots (plural, since I just realized that I didn't post anything yesterday...)!
While getting a good shot was... rather easy, actually, I found myself kinda..bored by a lot of them. In the process of sorting out interesting photos, the corner entry shots overwhelmingly had the most chance of showing some excitement. The dynamics of cars coming in hot--such as the tricycling civic above--just naturally make for more interesting subjects compared to the stability (thus boring) of most shots taken during the mid-corner/apex and exit phases.
Despite the fact that this is the slowest part of the course--after the finish, where cars are crawling at 5-10mph--I feel like this shot has a lot of visual drama. You have this tiny Miata against the enormous backdrop of FedEx Field just looming over the course. Then there's the contrast of this severely-sloped foreground against the monolithic stability of the stadium.
Now here's a testament to frames-per-second... locked the front left tire whilst diving into the corner in tripod mode... fantastic. Would've easily missed a shot like this on my point-and-shoot.